Monday, March 14, 2011


Last Friday, Tsunami and Earthquake hit Japan. It happened in the afternoon when I was still busy working on my project. At first I thought, Japan is a very advance country, it should be able to handle such situation and earthquake is kinda common to them also. After work, my sis and I drove back to Ipoh. My parents cook us some lamb stew for dinner, it was delicious indeed. While we were having our dinner, we switch to CNN and it was showing how badly Japan was being destroyed by earthquake.

At that moment, I felt so upset. People will never ever be able to fight against the nature. Human's biggest fear should be natural disaster because you cannot stop it from happening.

Somehow, I do not understand why there are still idiots who are fighting for this and that and some even warring because of religion matter. *sigh* I guess I will never understand. To me, all religions/beliefs are good because religion will never ask you to fight around with others or kill others in order to get something. It will only ask you to do 'Good'. WAR is definitely BAD. ONLY human itself, never really interpret the true meaning behind its religion and started those 'war'. It looks like never ending. I guess probably have to wait until the end of the world, then everything will return to zero and restart all over again.

Ever since tragedy of Japan happens, everyone keep saying 'Pray Hard for Japan'.. Of course, we will pray for Japan. Apart from that, please cherish and appreaciate every single moment that you have on this earth. Try to be nicer to everyone or even your pet at home.

I hope everyone can stay healthy & cheerful always. Although Life is unpredictable and sometimes life seems to be fragile. Please stay positive because you will never know what is waiting for you in the future. =)

God Blessed Japan..


  1. Hi. I've no comment. Take this column just to say hello to you. I found your blog accidentally, your English is very good and your blog is always fantastic. Yup, definitely you'll write blogs more than 63 years.. (count from last year 2010 when you were 17 year-old) Hehe..

    This is a bad news. I do pray for Japan too. Japanese has very strong spirit, they'll able to recover very soon. God blessed Japan.

    Best regards,
    your friendly neighbourhood

  2. Kah Yao : 17years old in 2010? Where did you get that? hahaha

  3. Kah Yao: Thank You! My kind neighbour. =)

    Anna: My neighbour is being too kind to me. Don't be jealous. =P
