Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stranger Again?!

Recently, I saw a video called 'Stranger again' on facebook. It was showing that most couples will break up eventually after honey moon years and ended up become stranger again. Do you believe that?

There are people who has the thinking of 'nobody knows what will happen in the future' and based on this statement - they are hesitating to share their promise with the one they loved which is pitiful. And yet, after breaking up, they want to start a new relationship with another person because they thought that that is the best way to get rid of the past. Do you have the same thought like them?

Food for thought.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life in Birmingham

Hmmm.. I have been staying in Birmingham, UK for exactly a week.. I want to share some of my life details in Birmingham.

Every morning I walk to work with my Ipod and it takes about 30mins to reach my workplace.. I am trying to get used to the walking distance because I need to carry a backpack which having my laptop and charger inside, also I am wearing a couple of layers because of the cold weather.. So I need extra strength for that.. =) However, even if the weather is cold but after 30mins of walking, when I reached my office - I sweat.. LOL

Most of the time I had sandwich for lunch and my colleagues always brought their own lunch box to eat.. So far there are only the 3 of us in the office.. They are being nice to me.. =) Everyday I make coffee in the office - from there I learn how to use a coffee machine.. hahaha.. and I love making coffee.. =P I will get a coffee machine one day..

Here is a photo of what I cooked for dinner yesterday. hehehe. It is called - Chicken with baked potatoes and mushroom. It does not taste really good. =P but, I will try to improve the taste next time.

After work, when I reached home I will have my dinner and try to watch some TVB drama at the same time. Currently I am watching a drama series called Only You. It's all about how to plan a wedding and relationships between human which includes - Family, Friends and Lover. It shows a lot of beautiful wedding gown. I wish I could wear it one day. LOL

So basically that's how my daily life in Birmingham. Tomorrow is Easter Day - one of the Bank Holidays in UK, I got day off. =) Hope everyone have a good weekend ahead.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The 'Day' is Approaching..

These days I was occupied with high volume of workload and I realised that I have not started to pack anything into my luggage yet. Just in case you are not aware, I will be heading to Birmingham on next Friday - 15th April 2011 and my luggage is still empty. OH GOSH!

At the end of March, I was being asked by my team lead if I would like to give it a try to work in UK because currently there are many UK projects coming in and there is insufficient human resources in UK at the moment. However, I was not informed about the exact duration of work period and also the allowance. (I was quite dissappointed when they told me that I only will have 20 pounds daily - No more LV jor!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!) Before that, I recalled that I rejected the offer three times before they told me about that I need to stay in Birmingham for at least 4 months. Somehow or rather I was influenced by the persuasion of my team lead. LOL. And at the same time I do feel like giving myself a try to experience a different working culture in UK. I guess this is how my decision being made. So here I go. =)

At first, I think most of my friends and family are worried for me because I will be travelling alone and I will be all by myself to survive in UK throughout the 5 months of stay. I know I am going to feel lonely and I know I am going to cry!!! XD
In fact, I am a crying baby. LOL. I know I will be going to work by public transport or maybe walking. I might be having breakfast/lunch/dinner by myself. I will do shopping on my own also. Travel maybe? LOL. As of now, I think there are a lot of uncertainties. I don't know what to expect when I was there, but I guess I just need to prepare myself for it.

I told someone that I am a good 'Adapter'.. LOL.. I just gotta have faith in myself.. Please pray hard for me!! :D

I will keep everyone posted about my life in Birmingham!! xoxo