-Cherish every single moment that you have on earth, remember to put a smile on your face on every single day, treat people around you nicely, try to give a call to your parents if you have not done it long time ago, try not be emo and bad temper to others and think of what if people treat you the same way you did. Lastly, TRY to live your life by giving a little bit more of 'Love' and you will live with no regrets.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Gift
有个长辈曾告诉我,现在大部分的人都比较 爱 自己。所以,我们会发现许多现代人动不动就提离婚或分手,他们不再愿意为对方花多丁点的时间尝试改变或包容。这句话真是发人深醒。但是有多少人会认同呢?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
刚看到今年各星座应该收到的圣诞礼物。。 =)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
No subject
Friday, October 28, 2011
Britney Spears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM GOING FOR BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT ON THE 30TH OCTOBER 2011 !!!!! Words just can't express my feelings now. HAHAHAHAHA
Britney Spears is the very first American Singer that I admired since I was at age 13 until now. =D
In recent years, she has been receiving many bad critics. But, I believe she is still having a lot of passion in music industry and that's why she has not fall down until now. Some people told me that she is rubbish. And some even said to me that "Hor Mei.. you must be sick, why are you going for her concert?" I was pissed for a very short while. But, I think they just don't understand that kind of "bond" between a fan and their idol. I was upset but I didn't argue with them. In my heart, I think they are being too narrow minded - Of course, I would not expect everyone to like Britney Spears. =)
Britney/her songs have been accompanied ME for than 10 years.. I love listening to her songs regardless I was happy or upset.. She was the inspiration for me to sing and of course Sammi Cheng is another inspiration to me.. Both of them are tough women.. =)

Britney might not be the sweetheart singer again. To me, she is just like.. Hmm.. Let me put it this way..
You married your wife while she is still having youthful face and nice body. 20 years later, you can't just stop loving her because she's having a fatter body or wrinkled face. Am I right? That's exactly how I feel for Britney Spears. I will not stop liking her unless she has done something really bad like murder someone. Sounds crazy? HAHAHA. That's typical HAR HOR MEI. Now and Forever.
Really looking forward to her concert - my favorite idol always - Britney Spears.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
22/10/2011 厤巸
Just got to know another friend has passed away. We used to play volley ball together in secondary school. You are a charming and helpful girl. Our last conversation was in August 2011. We were still talking about "let's meet up if I am not going back to Malaysia so soon". My heart feels *sour* now. We all know this is Life. But, how come it can be so fragile and sudden?
People getting old and pass away.
Accident took your friends or love ones' lives.
Sickness took many lives away.
Is there really a "Heaven" for us to go? Death is scary because I do not know where will I go after that. But, the most scariest thing is I will not be able to see those people that I love anymore after that.
My dear friend 厤巸 may you rest in peace. You will live in our hearts always.
People getting old and pass away.
Accident took your friends or love ones' lives.
Sickness took many lives away.
Is there really a "Heaven" for us to go? Death is scary because I do not know where will I go after that. But, the most scariest thing is I will not be able to see those people that I love anymore after that.
My dear friend 厤巸 may you rest in peace. You will live in our hearts always.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
-但愿人长久, 千里共长娟-
-但愿人长久, 千里共长娟-
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
做人不能太自私, 不会让人久等。
做人不能太自私, 不会让人久等。
Friday, June 24, 2011
A month later
Time flies.. Someone that I really loved has passed away for a month.. She has been accompanied me since the day I was born.. I hope she has gone to somewhere that will bring her peace..
Tonight I recalled a friend told me to go home and see her for the one last time while she was still in hospital.. That time, I made a decision not to go back.. Now, I doubted if I have done the right decision.. It doesn't matter anymore because I will not be able to see her again.
There are many things that had happened and we cannot turn back time..
I know life has to go on.. That's what I keep telling myself in all these year.. And we actually have a choice to choose to stay happy or complain about your life.. Everyone has a choice.. Sometimes I agree with that statement but sometimes not..
There are many things on this world that we cannot just choose.. Somehow we are left with no options but to accept..
Or should I say we are trying to make ourselves to accept things with 'positive' attitude? Just to make ourselves and others to feel better.. In fact, we knew that things won't get any better in the end but somehow we still 'convince' our heart/mind to accept it with 'positive' attitude.. So that we look more 'saint'.. Why must we lied to ourselves? I wish to be myself sometimes.. Just like tonight..
Someone told me that you are a very positive person.. I smiled and walked away..
Tonight I recalled a friend told me to go home and see her for the one last time while she was still in hospital.. That time, I made a decision not to go back.. Now, I doubted if I have done the right decision.. It doesn't matter anymore because I will not be able to see her again.
There are many things that had happened and we cannot turn back time..
I know life has to go on.. That's what I keep telling myself in all these year.. And we actually have a choice to choose to stay happy or complain about your life.. Everyone has a choice.. Sometimes I agree with that statement but sometimes not..
There are many things on this world that we cannot just choose.. Somehow we are left with no options but to accept..
Or should I say we are trying to make ourselves to accept things with 'positive' attitude? Just to make ourselves and others to feel better.. In fact, we knew that things won't get any better in the end but somehow we still 'convince' our heart/mind to accept it with 'positive' attitude.. So that we look more 'saint'.. Why must we lied to ourselves? I wish to be myself sometimes.. Just like tonight..
Someone told me that you are a very positive person.. I smiled and walked away..
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Chemor popo

My Chemor Popo has admitted to hospital due to breathing difficulties. After checking, doctor said that her body got attacked by virus except her heart. She encountered multiple organ failure but the only healthy organ is the heart. She is now in ICU under treatment.
Please pray hard for my dearest popo and may GOD give her the strength to recover soon.

Popo, we love you very much.. Please get well soon..
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Drinking solo
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Stranger Again?!
Recently, I saw a video called 'Stranger again' on facebook. It was showing that most couples will break up eventually after honey moon years and ended up become stranger again. Do you believe that?
There are people who has the thinking of 'nobody knows what will happen in the future' and based on this statement - they are hesitating to share their promise with the one they loved which is pitiful. And yet, after breaking up, they want to start a new relationship with another person because they thought that that is the best way to get rid of the past. Do you have the same thought like them?
Food for thought.
There are people who has the thinking of 'nobody knows what will happen in the future' and based on this statement - they are hesitating to share their promise with the one they loved which is pitiful. And yet, after breaking up, they want to start a new relationship with another person because they thought that that is the best way to get rid of the past. Do you have the same thought like them?
Food for thought.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Life in Birmingham
Hmmm.. I have been staying in Birmingham, UK for exactly a week.. I want to share some of my life details in Birmingham.
Every morning I walk to work with my Ipod and it takes about 30mins to reach my workplace.. I am trying to get used to the walking distance because I need to carry a backpack which having my laptop and charger inside, also I am wearing a couple of layers because of the cold weather.. So I need extra strength for that.. =) However, even if the weather is cold but after 30mins of walking, when I reached my office - I sweat.. LOL
Most of the time I had sandwich for lunch and my colleagues always brought their own lunch box to eat.. So far there are only the 3 of us in the office.. They are being nice to me.. =) Everyday I make coffee in the office - from there I learn how to use a coffee machine.. hahaha.. and I love making coffee.. =P I will get a coffee machine one day..
Here is a photo of what I cooked for dinner yesterday. hehehe. It is called - Chicken with baked potatoes and mushroom. It does not taste really good. =P but, I will try to improve the taste next time.

After work, when I reached home I will have my dinner and try to watch some TVB drama at the same time. Currently I am watching a drama series called Only You. It's all about how to plan a wedding and relationships between human which includes - Family, Friends and Lover. It shows a lot of beautiful wedding gown. I wish I could wear it one day. LOL
So basically that's how my daily life in Birmingham. Tomorrow is Easter Day - one of the Bank Holidays in UK, I got day off. =) Hope everyone have a good weekend ahead.
Every morning I walk to work with my Ipod and it takes about 30mins to reach my workplace.. I am trying to get used to the walking distance because I need to carry a backpack which having my laptop and charger inside, also I am wearing a couple of layers because of the cold weather.. So I need extra strength for that.. =) However, even if the weather is cold but after 30mins of walking, when I reached my office - I sweat.. LOL
Most of the time I had sandwich for lunch and my colleagues always brought their own lunch box to eat.. So far there are only the 3 of us in the office.. They are being nice to me.. =) Everyday I make coffee in the office - from there I learn how to use a coffee machine.. hahaha.. and I love making coffee.. =P I will get a coffee machine one day..
Here is a photo of what I cooked for dinner yesterday. hehehe. It is called - Chicken with baked potatoes and mushroom. It does not taste really good. =P but, I will try to improve the taste next time.

After work, when I reached home I will have my dinner and try to watch some TVB drama at the same time. Currently I am watching a drama series called Only You. It's all about how to plan a wedding and relationships between human which includes - Family, Friends and Lover. It shows a lot of beautiful wedding gown. I wish I could wear it one day. LOL
So basically that's how my daily life in Birmingham. Tomorrow is Easter Day - one of the Bank Holidays in UK, I got day off. =) Hope everyone have a good weekend ahead.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The 'Day' is Approaching..
These days I was occupied with high volume of workload and I realised that I have not started to pack anything into my luggage yet. Just in case you are not aware, I will be heading to Birmingham on next Friday - 15th April 2011 and my luggage is still empty. OH GOSH!
At the end of March, I was being asked by my team lead if I would like to give it a try to work in UK because currently there are many UK projects coming in and there is insufficient human resources in UK at the moment. However, I was not informed about the exact duration of work period and also the allowance. (I was quite dissappointed when they told me that I only will have 20 pounds daily - No more LV jor!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!) Before that, I recalled that I rejected the offer three times before they told me about that I need to stay in Birmingham for at least 4 months. Somehow or rather I was influenced by the persuasion of my team lead. LOL. And at the same time I do feel like giving myself a try to experience a different working culture in UK. I guess this is how my decision being made. So here I go. =)
At first, I think most of my friends and family are worried for me because I will be travelling alone and I will be all by myself to survive in UK throughout the 5 months of stay. I know I am going to feel lonely and I know I am going to cry!!! XD
In fact, I am a crying baby. LOL. I know I will be going to work by public transport or maybe walking. I might be having breakfast/lunch/dinner by myself. I will do shopping on my own also. Travel maybe? LOL. As of now, I think there are a lot of uncertainties. I don't know what to expect when I was there, but I guess I just need to prepare myself for it.
I told someone that I am a good 'Adapter'.. LOL.. I just gotta have faith in myself.. Please pray hard for me!! :D
I will keep everyone posted about my life in Birmingham!! xoxo
At the end of March, I was being asked by my team lead if I would like to give it a try to work in UK because currently there are many UK projects coming in and there is insufficient human resources in UK at the moment. However, I was not informed about the exact duration of work period and also the allowance. (I was quite dissappointed when they told me that I only will have 20 pounds daily - No more LV jor!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!) Before that, I recalled that I rejected the offer three times before they told me about that I need to stay in Birmingham for at least 4 months. Somehow or rather I was influenced by the persuasion of my team lead. LOL. And at the same time I do feel like giving myself a try to experience a different working culture in UK. I guess this is how my decision being made. So here I go. =)
At first, I think most of my friends and family are worried for me because I will be travelling alone and I will be all by myself to survive in UK throughout the 5 months of stay. I know I am going to feel lonely and I know I am going to cry!!! XD
In fact, I am a crying baby. LOL. I know I will be going to work by public transport or maybe walking. I might be having breakfast/lunch/dinner by myself. I will do shopping on my own also. Travel maybe? LOL. As of now, I think there are a lot of uncertainties. I don't know what to expect when I was there, but I guess I just need to prepare myself for it.
I told someone that I am a good 'Adapter'.. LOL.. I just gotta have faith in myself.. Please pray hard for me!! :D
I will keep everyone posted about my life in Birmingham!! xoxo
Monday, March 14, 2011
Last Friday, Tsunami and Earthquake hit Japan. It happened in the afternoon when I was still busy working on my project. At first I thought, Japan is a very advance country, it should be able to handle such situation and earthquake is kinda common to them also. After work, my sis and I drove back to Ipoh. My parents cook us some lamb stew for dinner, it was delicious indeed. While we were having our dinner, we switch to CNN and it was showing how badly Japan was being destroyed by earthquake.
At that moment, I felt so upset. People will never ever be able to fight against the nature. Human's biggest fear should be natural disaster because you cannot stop it from happening.
Somehow, I do not understand why there are still idiots who are fighting for this and that and some even warring because of religion matter. *sigh* I guess I will never understand. To me, all religions/beliefs are good because religion will never ask you to fight around with others or kill others in order to get something. It will only ask you to do 'Good'. WAR is definitely BAD. ONLY human itself, never really interpret the true meaning behind its religion and started those 'war'. It looks like never ending. I guess probably have to wait until the end of the world, then everything will return to zero and restart all over again.
Ever since tragedy of Japan happens, everyone keep saying 'Pray Hard for Japan'.. Of course, we will pray for Japan. Apart from that, please cherish and appreaciate every single moment that you have on this earth. Try to be nicer to everyone or even your pet at home.
I hope everyone can stay healthy & cheerful always. Although Life is unpredictable and sometimes life seems to be fragile. Please stay positive because you will never know what is waiting for you in the future. =)
God Blessed Japan..
At that moment, I felt so upset. People will never ever be able to fight against the nature. Human's biggest fear should be natural disaster because you cannot stop it from happening.
Somehow, I do not understand why there are still idiots who are fighting for this and that and some even warring because of religion matter. *sigh* I guess I will never understand. To me, all religions/beliefs are good because religion will never ask you to fight around with others or kill others in order to get something. It will only ask you to do 'Good'. WAR is definitely BAD. ONLY human itself, never really interpret the true meaning behind its religion and started those 'war'. It looks like never ending. I guess probably have to wait until the end of the world, then everything will return to zero and restart all over again.
Ever since tragedy of Japan happens, everyone keep saying 'Pray Hard for Japan'.. Of course, we will pray for Japan. Apart from that, please cherish and appreaciate every single moment that you have on this earth. Try to be nicer to everyone or even your pet at home.
I hope everyone can stay healthy & cheerful always. Although Life is unpredictable and sometimes life seems to be fragile. Please stay positive because you will never know what is waiting for you in the future. =)
God Blessed Japan..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Happy Chap Goh Mei
What a day!!!!!!!! I forgot when was the last time gastric visited me. However, tonight I finally get to taste the pain again. The pain even makes me forget my blog password and I have to reset the password. =S
In case you are wondering why I still able to update my blog, the pain makes me stay awake and music can definitely ease my pain. Would you believe it? =)
Bumped into an article that I would like share:-
Somebody once told me that “Finding the right person is very hard and very wrong….it is best to be the right person for the one you love and start from here… you’ll always end up disappointed when you set standards and define a “right person” for you.
Don’t rush things…. coz somewhere somehow God is preparing somebody for you.” You can never be perfect… the person you love can never be perfect too…but both of you can be perfect through love and prayers, and your love can be perfect through the both of you. But, no relationship is complete without God….. that’s why we have marriage.. it’s a bond not only between you and your loved one…. but also with God.
Our relationships fail not because (s)he’s not the right person….it’s because we expected too much and we decided on our own. Let God do the work… you may call it waiting time…. but while you are waiting… pray. Let God guide you always… He knows better. No, He knows best. Love is not what you think it is….
Sometimes we mistakenly feel that our first relationship will be our last. Because we are overwhelmed with joy and romance, we forget to learn the meaning of true love. Some are saying that love is unselfish, blind, unconditional or simply denying oneself for the sake of someone very important in our life. Others are saying love is immortal and can never be defined.
when we think we’re in love the first thing we almost wanted the whole world to know is that our love for someone very special can never be taken away from us. We say this phrase: “You are the most wonderful gift from GOD I have ever received…” After a terrible fight or sometimes even a petty quarrel we then say “You are the biggest mistake I’ve ever made for my entire life!!!”. Now, how do you say and spell the word L-O-V-E? Are you really deeply into it?
Nobody can tell what love really is until experience speaks and whispers right into our ears. Most of the time, these love promises “Forever, Till Death do us apart, etc.” would end up “Never” and “We should part ways, I’m no longer happy with you! My love for you is DEAD!!!” Many times we thought after having committed to someone and your trust too drops down to zero degree.
“S/He ain’t the right one. I should probably wait for the right one to come.” But the big question anyone could not answer is “Is she/he the right one?” “When is the right time?” That made us stick to whom we are with. Will you always be waiting for the right person to come and the right time to commit? A big YES is the answer. Don’t be in a hurry to get into a relationship because you can never find love if you insist that you are already into it. Try to find time to really understand your real feelings, to know who you really are and what you really want in a relationship. You’re right, There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there’s a compatible partnership that goes along with it. If you already knew that you’re too big to fit into a small sized t-shirt, don’t give it a try. You’ll probably break it and pay for the damages you have made.If you knew and felt that the relationship will not last, don’t go deeper into it. You’ll just suffer the consequences and live like hell the rest of your life. It’s really hard to say goodbye though, but you can’t make it any better by just pretending you still have the same feelings. Try to let go and give yourself a chance to live life to the fullest. Give yourself a chance to grow and give your heart a much needed attention.Then you will find that you have made the right decision and you made it all by yourself.
More frequently than not, we all act in a hypocritical manner for some reason. We call it love when we can’t leave someone and see them crying as we try to let go. We are wrong, it’s just pity. We call it love when we’re too attached and think that losing the one we love will somehow make us weak and unable to face the storms of life. We misunderstood, its just that we’re too much dependent on them. We call it love when we give our whole life to them, the wholeness of us and imagined that if they leave, no one would accept us and our past. We are mistaken, it’s just insecurity. But no matter what the definition is, the truth still remains that love isn’t something you can buy nor beg. It is real and existing. You can’t touch it but you can feel it in your heart. You can’t find it, but it will knock before you when you least expect it to come. It can make you the happiest soul in heaven, but don’t forget that it also can make you the most miserable person in the whole galaxy.
What do you think? =) I do think GOD have plan for everyone of us, and there are things that we cannot changed. Sometimes something might be fated, but I believed our thinking and our action could make things better and brighter!!! =)
Tomorrow is Chap Goh Mei - Lunar Valentine's Day.
Hereby, I wish those who are attached can stay happily together whereas for those who is single can meet their true love soon.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hor Mei
In case you are wondering why I still able to update my blog, the pain makes me stay awake and music can definitely ease my pain. Would you believe it? =)
Bumped into an article that I would like share:-
Somebody once told me that “Finding the right person is very hard and very wrong….it is best to be the right person for the one you love and start from here… you’ll always end up disappointed when you set standards and define a “right person” for you.
Don’t rush things…. coz somewhere somehow God is preparing somebody for you.” You can never be perfect… the person you love can never be perfect too…but both of you can be perfect through love and prayers, and your love can be perfect through the both of you. But, no relationship is complete without God….. that’s why we have marriage.. it’s a bond not only between you and your loved one…. but also with God.
Our relationships fail not because (s)he’s not the right person….it’s because we expected too much and we decided on our own. Let God do the work… you may call it waiting time…. but while you are waiting… pray. Let God guide you always… He knows better. No, He knows best. Love is not what you think it is….
Sometimes we mistakenly feel that our first relationship will be our last. Because we are overwhelmed with joy and romance, we forget to learn the meaning of true love. Some are saying that love is unselfish, blind, unconditional or simply denying oneself for the sake of someone very important in our life. Others are saying love is immortal and can never be defined.
when we think we’re in love the first thing we almost wanted the whole world to know is that our love for someone very special can never be taken away from us. We say this phrase: “You are the most wonderful gift from GOD I have ever received…” After a terrible fight or sometimes even a petty quarrel we then say “You are the biggest mistake I’ve ever made for my entire life!!!”. Now, how do you say and spell the word L-O-V-E? Are you really deeply into it?
Nobody can tell what love really is until experience speaks and whispers right into our ears. Most of the time, these love promises “Forever, Till Death do us apart, etc.” would end up “Never” and “We should part ways, I’m no longer happy with you! My love for you is DEAD!!!” Many times we thought after having committed to someone and your trust too drops down to zero degree.
“S/He ain’t the right one. I should probably wait for the right one to come.” But the big question anyone could not answer is “Is she/he the right one?” “When is the right time?” That made us stick to whom we are with. Will you always be waiting for the right person to come and the right time to commit? A big YES is the answer. Don’t be in a hurry to get into a relationship because you can never find love if you insist that you are already into it. Try to find time to really understand your real feelings, to know who you really are and what you really want in a relationship. You’re right, There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there’s a compatible partnership that goes along with it. If you already knew that you’re too big to fit into a small sized t-shirt, don’t give it a try. You’ll probably break it and pay for the damages you have made.If you knew and felt that the relationship will not last, don’t go deeper into it. You’ll just suffer the consequences and live like hell the rest of your life. It’s really hard to say goodbye though, but you can’t make it any better by just pretending you still have the same feelings. Try to let go and give yourself a chance to live life to the fullest. Give yourself a chance to grow and give your heart a much needed attention.Then you will find that you have made the right decision and you made it all by yourself.
More frequently than not, we all act in a hypocritical manner for some reason. We call it love when we can’t leave someone and see them crying as we try to let go. We are wrong, it’s just pity. We call it love when we’re too attached and think that losing the one we love will somehow make us weak and unable to face the storms of life. We misunderstood, its just that we’re too much dependent on them. We call it love when we give our whole life to them, the wholeness of us and imagined that if they leave, no one would accept us and our past. We are mistaken, it’s just insecurity. But no matter what the definition is, the truth still remains that love isn’t something you can buy nor beg. It is real and existing. You can’t touch it but you can feel it in your heart. You can’t find it, but it will knock before you when you least expect it to come. It can make you the happiest soul in heaven, but don’t forget that it also can make you the most miserable person in the whole galaxy.
What do you think? =) I do think GOD have plan for everyone of us, and there are things that we cannot changed. Sometimes something might be fated, but I believed our thinking and our action could make things better and brighter!!! =)
Tomorrow is Chap Goh Mei - Lunar Valentine's Day.
Hereby, I wish those who are attached can stay happily together whereas for those who is single can meet their true love soon.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hor Mei
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sammi VS Sammei
I have not updated my blog for quite some time already because I was a bit busy (lame excuse) and yet a little lazy (true reason). hehehe. I have actually finished reading the book of 郑秀文 - 值得 since few weeks ago. Let me share some of her stories.
Sammi tells us about her life during depression period. Depression comes to look for her since she took part in the movie called 長恨歌. This movie is about a woman's life. I have not watch this movie but I am planning to watch it after reading this book. =)
Sammi have achieved a lot of success in her singing and acting career. She was given a lot of opportunities by many directors in playing those major female roles in many canto movies. No doubt about her singing career also. Throughout the years, Sammi won a lot of Best Female Singer in Asia regardless of canto/mandarin songs. She earns millions and millions. She is supposed to be happy with her life. In fact, she is not happy and this is how leads her into depression mode.
During that period, she keeps thinking about a question 'All this thing that I have right now.. Is this what I really want?' Sammi felt so tired.. She has no strength to stand up to even make a move to get some food from the fridgea. All these years, she has been doing concerts, acting movies, making advertisements, going everywhere for promo without thinking about 'Is this what I really want?' question.
Suddenly this question prompts to her. While she was young, she truly thinks that all this fame, money, status can satisfied her till the day she died. In fact, she realised that this is not true and she found herself lost. Depression.
Sammi stopped herself from doing anything (being an artist) for 2 years. During that 2 years, she traveled to some countries with some close friends and try to find her true self back. She starts to think what am I making myself suffer for having such diet plan for all these years? Sammi: I never treat my body properly? I always eat 1 meal per day? Why am I doing all this? Am I really happy? Tears accompanied her every night before sleep.
All in a sudden, GOD found her (Sammi says). She started to believe that everyone is born for a reason and your life is planned by GOD. It's a gift if you are still living on this earth today and if you are no longer in this world, you will be lead to heaven. Throughout your journey of life, you will be watch by GOD. He will accompany you in your life until death.
Although Sammi had to go through that period of depression, but she gained a lot she says. She was grateful that she had gone through this period and now she felt relief. She is now getting back on track with her career again but she will not torture her body like before. (many people have no food to eat and yet died, Sammi promised to herself that she will stay healthy by having a balance diet because she wanted to adopt more children and help more children who has been suffering from hunger and without chance to study).
Her attitude to life has changed once she believes in GOD. But, she is still Sammi Cheng (a better one). =) Sammi Cheng, you are my idol forever. You have our blessings with you always. Amen!
Hor Mei
Last friday was my company annual dinner and I was excited yet nervous because I was invited to sing a duet song with my male colleague. I was quite serious about the performance because I was always wanted to do this since I was.... (secret) LOL
Although it is a simple CNY song but I did put effort in practice this song because I don't want to screw it during that night and I wanted to make this show turn out nicely. =)
When it's our turn to go on stage. My heart beats so fast and that was the time I truly experienced that being a singer is definitely definitely not easy and it requires more courages than I thought. (I am afraid that I will forget the lyrics and the dance steps, afraid of I will do something stupid on the stage etc etc) As I was singing, I can feel my right hand is shaking coz of nervousness. LOL
When it comes to the chorus, I started to loosen up myself and we even ask the audience to sing along with us. When I heard the floor shouting 'Sammei Sammei' as if I was really singing at concert. HAHAHA. I was really enjoyed that night!

It was an unforgettable night and I had a lot of FUNssss and I hope everybody had fun too! =D
Sammi tells us about her life during depression period. Depression comes to look for her since she took part in the movie called 長恨歌. This movie is about a woman's life. I have not watch this movie but I am planning to watch it after reading this book. =)
Sammi have achieved a lot of success in her singing and acting career. She was given a lot of opportunities by many directors in playing those major female roles in many canto movies. No doubt about her singing career also. Throughout the years, Sammi won a lot of Best Female Singer in Asia regardless of canto/mandarin songs. She earns millions and millions. She is supposed to be happy with her life. In fact, she is not happy and this is how leads her into depression mode.
During that period, she keeps thinking about a question 'All this thing that I have right now.. Is this what I really want?' Sammi felt so tired.. She has no strength to stand up to even make a move to get some food from the fridgea. All these years, she has been doing concerts, acting movies, making advertisements, going everywhere for promo without thinking about 'Is this what I really want?' question.
Suddenly this question prompts to her. While she was young, she truly thinks that all this fame, money, status can satisfied her till the day she died. In fact, she realised that this is not true and she found herself lost. Depression.
Sammi stopped herself from doing anything (being an artist) for 2 years. During that 2 years, she traveled to some countries with some close friends and try to find her true self back. She starts to think what am I making myself suffer for having such diet plan for all these years? Sammi: I never treat my body properly? I always eat 1 meal per day? Why am I doing all this? Am I really happy? Tears accompanied her every night before sleep.
All in a sudden, GOD found her (Sammi says). She started to believe that everyone is born for a reason and your life is planned by GOD. It's a gift if you are still living on this earth today and if you are no longer in this world, you will be lead to heaven. Throughout your journey of life, you will be watch by GOD. He will accompany you in your life until death.
Although Sammi had to go through that period of depression, but she gained a lot she says. She was grateful that she had gone through this period and now she felt relief. She is now getting back on track with her career again but she will not torture her body like before. (many people have no food to eat and yet died, Sammi promised to herself that she will stay healthy by having a balance diet because she wanted to adopt more children and help more children who has been suffering from hunger and without chance to study).
Her attitude to life has changed once she believes in GOD. But, she is still Sammi Cheng (a better one). =) Sammi Cheng, you are my idol forever. You have our blessings with you always. Amen!
Hor Mei
Last friday was my company annual dinner and I was excited yet nervous because I was invited to sing a duet song with my male colleague. I was quite serious about the performance because I was always wanted to do this since I was.... (secret) LOL
Although it is a simple CNY song but I did put effort in practice this song because I don't want to screw it during that night and I wanted to make this show turn out nicely. =)
When it's our turn to go on stage. My heart beats so fast and that was the time I truly experienced that being a singer is definitely definitely not easy and it requires more courages than I thought. (I am afraid that I will forget the lyrics and the dance steps, afraid of I will do something stupid on the stage etc etc) As I was singing, I can feel my right hand is shaking coz of nervousness. LOL
When it comes to the chorus, I started to loosen up myself and we even ask the audience to sing along with us. When I heard the floor shouting 'Sammei Sammei' as if I was really singing at concert. HAHAHA. I was really enjoyed that night!

It was an unforgettable night and I had a lot of FUNssss and I hope everybody had fun too! =D
Monday, January 10, 2011
SAMMI 郑秀文 - 值得

她擁有一種特別的聲線﹐由我十三歲開始﹐我已經可以把她的歌曲朗朗上口。 哈哈大笑﹗
I don't know why my laptop suddenly don't allow me to write in Chinese! ta ma de!
Anyway, I'm in the midst of reading Sammi's book! =D I would share more about what I read in the coming blogs. Stay tuned if you are interested! ;)
Above are some of the photos captured inside the book. :) Sammi is super gorgeous!
I love you, Sammi!!
Lastly, a very special Thank You to a very special person who bought me this book all the way from HK. =)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
GLEE Season 2
I have finished watching GLEE Season 1 and started with GLEE Season 2 which I only have until episode 10. It talks about Christmas Eve and according to Rachel from the drama - "No one should be spending Chrismtas Eve alone." :) And also, Rachel and Finn together they sang my fav Christmas Song - Last Christmas. It was really nice. However due to copy right issue, I am not able to share it here with you guys. :)
I knew some people out there has to spend Christmas alone 'coz they could have been up tie with their work and etc etc. I hope next year everyone gets to celebrate Christmas with their family and friends and the best is with their special someone. Especially for those who are in a long distance relationship. Please have a little more faith and patience towards the year, do believe in your hard work and effort is going to be worth while. :)
Right now, I'm going to look for another source to con't watching GLEE Season 2.
Adios! ;D
I knew some people out there has to spend Christmas alone 'coz they could have been up tie with their work and etc etc. I hope next year everyone gets to celebrate Christmas with their family and friends and the best is with their special someone. Especially for those who are in a long distance relationship. Please have a little more faith and patience towards the year, do believe in your hard work and effort is going to be worth while. :)
Right now, I'm going to look for another source to con't watching GLEE Season 2.
Adios! ;D
Monday, January 3, 2011
All I want to say is GLEE is FANTASTIC!! :D
I love their singing so much. There's one scene which makes me drop my tears 'coz they were working so hard on their vocal in order to win the district competition, somehow rather their song list was leak out to their competitors and their songs were copied by them. However, they still won the competition by singing spontaneously during the competition. WWEeeeee!! Feel so happy for them!! If one wants to win, one must win without cheating. Yeahh!! I feel like singing so much right now!! I couldn't express how much I want to sing right now!! But, I know it's bed time. I couldn't sleep 'coz I am feeling sooo GLEE right now!! LOL. Can someone please put me to sleep. *BIG SIGH*
I love their singing so much. There's one scene which makes me drop my tears 'coz they were working so hard on their vocal in order to win the district competition, somehow rather their song list was leak out to their competitors and their songs were copied by them. However, they still won the competition by singing spontaneously during the competition. WWEeeeee!! Feel so happy for them!! If one wants to win, one must win without cheating. Yeahh!! I feel like singing so much right now!! I couldn't express how much I want to sing right now!! But, I know it's bed time. I couldn't sleep 'coz I am feeling sooo GLEE right now!! LOL. Can someone please put me to sleep. *BIG SIGH*
Sunday, January 2, 2011
At the beginning - 2011
Happy New Year Everyone!
Today is '2-1-2011', the second day of year 2011. I like the way I wrote the date format, let me recall my studies time in primary school, I think I used to write the date format in such way. HAHA! Please do not mind my silly-ness. Today, I feel like recalling many things within 10 years times. Starting from 16 years old. GOSH!
Oh MY oh MY.. I don't feel like believing that I am 26 years old this year.. =) I am approaching 30s. OH My my my....
Many things happened in the past ten years (which include happy and sad moments). Some family member died and some new babies joined in to the family. Some frens leave us and some might not be as close as before. Sometimes, you find your job is challenging but most of the time it is hectic and hateful. I believed this happened to everyone of us. :) I am not going to write about what had happened in my past ten years because you guys are going to say that I am insane. LOL. Actually, as I grow older I think some of my memories are getting faded also and I couldn't really remember everything.
Anyway, I'd like to stick to some old saying but meaningful to me. It's a brand new year again and I'd like to wish everyone of you have a safe year ahead and most importantly stay healthy always. For those whom does not call home often, please call your family now! :) Time flies, do cherish and appreciate what you already have right now. However, do not forget to chase after your dreams. I always believe that we need to have something to look forward to in order to achieve. e.g. some girls would die hard to save in order to get a new LV bag. LOL. That's not a bad thing because as long as you are earning $$ in a legal way, I support you to go ahead. hehe. But, I think the girls would feel more happy if their BF buy for them. =P So guys, please work harder!! LOL. You only have this girl that you love once in a life time. There's nothing wrong to buy her a gift once in a while as long as affordable. I know you might not agree with me. But trust me, it's worthwhile when you see that smile on her face. =) The example is quite lousy hor. LOL. Forgive my silly-ness again. Been eating too much pork last night. HAHAHA. I guess it affects my thought also. =P
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends & family & my love one, I am very grateful to have each of you in my life. You guys are like puzzle pieces, I need each of you in order to complete my beautiful picture of life. hehe. WOW! It's another good phrase from Har Hor Mei. LOL.
Thank you for accompanying me for all these years. I am now 26 years old, I hope to have you guys to be with me while I am 36, 46, 56, 66, and even older in the future (hopefully I can live that long). =) The best is bring along your grandchildren for me to cubit! hahaha.
Let's face all challenges together in year 2011! Love you all!!
With Love Always,
Hor Mei
Today is '2-1-2011', the second day of year 2011. I like the way I wrote the date format, let me recall my studies time in primary school, I think I used to write the date format in such way. HAHA! Please do not mind my silly-ness. Today, I feel like recalling many things within 10 years times. Starting from 16 years old. GOSH!
Oh MY oh MY.. I don't feel like believing that I am 26 years old this year.. =) I am approaching 30s. OH My my my....
Many things happened in the past ten years (which include happy and sad moments). Some family member died and some new babies joined in to the family. Some frens leave us and some might not be as close as before. Sometimes, you find your job is challenging but most of the time it is hectic and hateful. I believed this happened to everyone of us. :) I am not going to write about what had happened in my past ten years because you guys are going to say that I am insane. LOL. Actually, as I grow older I think some of my memories are getting faded also and I couldn't really remember everything.
Anyway, I'd like to stick to some old saying but meaningful to me. It's a brand new year again and I'd like to wish everyone of you have a safe year ahead and most importantly stay healthy always. For those whom does not call home often, please call your family now! :) Time flies, do cherish and appreciate what you already have right now. However, do not forget to chase after your dreams. I always believe that we need to have something to look forward to in order to achieve. e.g. some girls would die hard to save in order to get a new LV bag. LOL. That's not a bad thing because as long as you are earning $$ in a legal way, I support you to go ahead. hehe. But, I think the girls would feel more happy if their BF buy for them. =P So guys, please work harder!! LOL. You only have this girl that you love once in a life time. There's nothing wrong to buy her a gift once in a while as long as affordable. I know you might not agree with me. But trust me, it's worthwhile when you see that smile on her face. =) The example is quite lousy hor. LOL. Forgive my silly-ness again. Been eating too much pork last night. HAHAHA. I guess it affects my thought also. =P
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends & family & my love one, I am very grateful to have each of you in my life. You guys are like puzzle pieces, I need each of you in order to complete my beautiful picture of life. hehe. WOW! It's another good phrase from Har Hor Mei. LOL.
Thank you for accompanying me for all these years. I am now 26 years old, I hope to have you guys to be with me while I am 36, 46, 56, 66, and even older in the future (hopefully I can live that long). =) The best is bring along your grandchildren for me to cubit! hahaha.
Let's face all challenges together in year 2011! Love you all!!
With Love Always,
Hor Mei
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